Sunday, February 21, 2016


Shipboard electronic malfunctioning, sensitive equip, interference, restriction on the use of portable phone, during manoeuvering, cargo operation.

 2. SECURITY ONBOARD. : practical measure, their own personal security, is kept lock, must be limited, not to be left over side, must keep in radio contact.

Secured firmly, to prevent them falling, roped off, care, placed securely, hazard.

Garbage, adapted, full instruction, reviewed regularly, discharge, accident.

A permit to work, portable light, adequate ventilation, is in servicable condition, combustible solid, kept at hand.

Risk, Security measures, additional, threat, will be advised, ensure.

To the security of ship and crew, is in the interest of every one onboard, assistance in organizing effective security, conducting regular security training, suspicious activities, reported immediately to 

Without any ventilation, oxygen deficient, through lack or regular use, with appropriate warning, an enclosed space, personnel on stby.

Identification, belongs, hand-held metal detector, suspicious, suspicious, false

Potential, required, minimize, all, considered, included.

Due to political unrest or war, treated with reasonable respect and, can board in, a checklist, could possible hide, to carry out through search of

Avoid, confine space, can be greatly reduced, (smoking, approved) switch off, flammable, to be cleanup

Dry, free of rubbis, in good order, tool material spare, emergency exit, cleanup immediately

The nearest alarm switch, as to the nature and location, of amore serious fire, on the muster list, essential, public address system

Flammable or toxic fume, make an assessment of, tested, rescue Nd resustcitation equipment, should be agreed and teated, can keep in contact with

Loaded in dump condition, very little ventilation, combustion, the destriction of oxygen supply, could bust into frame, spontaneous combustion

17. LIFE-SAVING APPLIANCES : Escape from the vessel in distress, launched, maintain thr lifeboats fall and davids, be properly adjusted, regularly maintained, a mulfunction of the release equipment, training

18. DANGEROUS MATERIAL AND GOODS : Peraonnel handling them, Dangerous material, be handled with great care, not to breath, as a first aid measure

The most suitable officers and rattings, regular alarm testing, the signal, designeted, reasonable access, it to muster at

Prevent Injury, protective Cloth, any limitation of its use, defects, can be extremely hazardous, not available for use

Spilages of bunker oil, all necessary precaution are taken, any escape of oil, oil removal equip, portable pump, in a convenient storeroom

Prior to, permit to work, injury or death, flammable favour, to isolate, to follow

Telephone call, clearly identify, unautorized caller, the media, misleading, comment on

Strictly observed, prohibited, food preparation area, cigarettes lighter, warning notices, clarify displayed

Spontaneous combustion can occur when packed cargoes such as coal, hemp, copra and grain are carried especially if these have been loaded in damp conditions. In the centre of these cargoes there is very little ventilation to supply a cooling effect and the natural heat generated can rise to such a degree that it causes combustion of the material. Due to the restriction of oxygen supply, this will just smoulder for a considerable time until part of the cargo is removed. Then by admitting additional air, the cargo could burst into flames. Stowage of engine room stores is important since materials such as cleaning rags, cotton waste, sawdust can all cause
especially if they are stored next to the various chemicals carried on board ships.

Lifeboats are the primary means of escape from a vessel in distress , however operations involving the lowering of lifeboats are potentially hazardous. Lifeboats must be launched and exercised in the water once every three months. If the vessel is equipped with free fall lifeboats, launches are required six monthly. It is important to maintain the lifeboats falls and davits as per manufacturer's manual. Release systems must be properly adjusted, regularly maintained, correctly operated and tested regularly. Failure to do this can lead to a malfunction of the release equipment resulting in the boat being released prematurely or alternatively not being released. Training must be carried out to ensure that all crewmembers are familiar with the correct operation of this type of equipment.

The term "security levels" is used to quantify the risk of a potential security incident. There are 3 security levels:
Level 1 : is considered as normal with minimum routine security measures in place.
Level 2 : is where an increased risk of security incident exists. In this case there are additional security measures taken over and above those at level 1.
Level 3 : is the highest level and this is where a security incident or threat against a port, port facility, or ship is probable or imminent. Instructions will normally be given by those responding to the incident and generally normal operations will stop. If the security level changes the Master will be advised by the vessel's flag Administration, Company Security Officer of the port. In turn the Ship Security Officer will ensure that all crew are made aware of the level along with their duties.

Threats to the security of ships and crews are always present, whether it be theft, stowaways, piracy, terrorism, bomb threats or drug smuggling. The security of the ship is in the interest of everyone on board. The ship has a security plan which gives the SSO assistance in organizing effective security and practical guidance in procedures and precautions. A Ship Security Officer is appointed onboard and is responsible to the Master for all security issues and for conducting regular security training on board for the crew. Everyone on board has a duty to ensure that the vessel is kept as secure as possible and that any suspicious activities, persons or packages are reported immediately to the SSO.

Many materials used on board ships have health and safety implications for personnel handling them. All dangerous materials are only to be used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Chemicals must always be handled with great care and personal protective equipment utilized. This equipment is to consist of eye protection, rubber gloves and an apron. Care is to be taken not to breathe chemical vapours. Proprietary eye wash liquid is to be available as a first aid measure to remove chemicals from the eyes.

An Emergency Party is selected from the most suitable officers and ratings on the ship. Usually several emergency parties are formed, such as Bridge Party, Engine Room Party, First Aid Party and Fire-Fighting Party. Regular alarm testing must be used as an opportunity for all on board to learn to recognize the signal for activating the emergency team. This is particularly important where confusion may arise from different alarms. Suitable locations are to be designated for the Emergency Parties to muster at. They must have reasonable access to the upper deck, the accommodation and machinery spaces. The Emergency Party is to muster at a location where emergency equipment is readily available.

Personal Protective Equipment will not in itself prevent an accident but will help to prevent injury . Any person who may be required to wear or use protective clothing or equipment is to be properly trained or instructed in its use and advised of any limitations of its use. Protective clothing and equipment are to be issued to each employee or kept in an easily accessible and clearly marked location. Any defects are to be reported immediately. Note that items such as scarves, sweatbands, casual headgear, loose clothing, finger rings, necklaces and other jewellery can be extremely hazardous . These objects can get caught in moving machinery, power tools or when working with ropes or lines. If the necessary PPE is not available for use , work must not be carried out or permitted.

Half of all major pollution claims arise from incidents on ships that are not carrying oil cargoes spillages of bunker oil and collision account for over one third of the total number of pollution claims. All ships' personnel must ensure that all necessary precautions are taken and that proper procedures are strictly followed during all oil transfer operations. A close watch must be maintained during these operations to ensure that any escape of oil does not go unnoticed. All vessels must carry oil spill removal equipment which includes sorbents, non sparking hand scoops, shovels, and buckets, emulsifiers for deck cleaning, protective clothing, scupper plugs, portable pumps with hoses, etc. The equipment must be kept in a convenient storeroom and must not be used for any other purpose.

If welding or flame-cutting are needed in areas other than in the workshop you should receive a Permit to Work. Where portable lights are required to provide adequate illumination, they should be clamped or secured in position. adequate ventilation should be provided when welding in enclosed spaces. Breathing apparatus may be needed. Welding equipment should be inspected before use to ensure that it is in serviceable condition. All repairs should be carried out by a competent person. Protective clothing including welding helmet, or goggles, leather welding gloves, leather apron and long-sleeved boiler suit must be worn by the operator. The area of work should be free of combustible solids, liquids or gases. Suitable fire extinguisher should be kept at hand ready for use during the operation.

Prior to work involving maintenance and testing of electrical circuits, a Permit to work is to be completed. This involves work where there is a danger of shock that could result in injury or death . It should be remembered that such injury can be caused at voltages as low as 60V. It also involves work on electrical circuits of any voltage where there is a risk of flammable vapours being present. This will involve all work outside the main accommodation block and machinery spaces on vessels carrying dangerous cargoes. Care is to be taken to isolate the equipment at source wherever possible and to follow the Lock-out/Tag-out procedures.

During serious incidents many telephone calls may be made to the ship. The Master must clearly identify  the caller before passing on any information. Unauthorised callers must be referred to the Company for information. The media  in particular will persist in trying to obtain as much information as possible. Only the Master must speak to them. Information passed must only be the minimum necessary and is to be factual. Information, which is found to be misleading, can be very damaging to the management of the incident. The Master must ensure that no other Officer or crewman speaks to the media. At no time must anyone comment on the cause of the incident.     
An enclosed space includes tanks for cargo, ballast, fuel, fresh water, cofferdams etc. However any enclosed space is to be considered as dangerous if that space has been closed for an extended period without any ventilation. Such spaces may be oxygen deficient or be filled with toxic fumes from cargoes, fuel or even paint and chemicals. An inspection by Master and Chief engineer is to be carried out in order to identify all spaces which through lack of regular use or any other reason may be considered dangerous. These spaces are to be clearly marked with appropriate warnings, stating that enclosed space entry procedures must be followed. No person must enter an enclosed space, unless a permit has been issued by a senior officer   and   all   precautions   have   been   taken   along   with   adequate   safety   equipment   and   personnel on stand-by in case of emergency.

All visitors must be asked to show identification. Details will then be entered into the visitors' logbook and a pass issued. Random checking of persons and their belongings is to be carried out as per the security plan and the security level in force. Personal checks can be assisted by the use of a hand-held metal detector. During a check any weapons or anything that could be considered as suspicious or looks unusual should be treated as a security alert. If in doubt request the advice of the Officer of the Watch or the Ship Security Officer. If the person refuses to allow his bags suspicious then they and their baggage must not be allowed on board. If a visitor refuses to show his identification or if you suspect the identification document to be false  you should contact the Officer of the Watch or the SSO.

Risk  Assessment  is a relatively  simple task and is a careful examination of  potential hazards during onboard activities. During this examination, precautions already in place can be identified and decisions made as to whether additional precautions may be required. The aim is to prevent at least minimize the chances of accidents or incidents .Assessments are required for all critical operations on board. An operation which may be considered as "routine" with minimal risk in normal conditions may present a higher risk where conditions change, for example bad weather or machinery failure.  Day to day operations are to be included as well as all other critical operations including unusual or infrequent tasks.

Stowaways are usually desperate people trying to flee their country due to political unrest or war. They hide onboard and can create many problems but if discovered they should be treated with reasonable respect and consideration. Stowaways can board in any country but are prevalent in West Africa, Central America and in places where there may be political problems. To assist checking for stowaways a checklist is to be used for routine and final inspection. The checklist contains all spaces where a stowaway could possibly hide. Crews are urged to carry out through searches of  hard-to-reach positions on the ship.

Nearly all fires which have happened on board ships could have been avoided. Fire-fighting on board is difficult and dangerous owing to the confined areas  in which the fire may be tackled and restricted means of escape. These difficulties and dangers can be greatly reduced with the regular exercising and training in the drills. Good housekeeping in all areas of the ship is essential for fire prevention. Strictly observe smoking regulations. Private electrical equipment is only to be used if the equipment is type approved. When such equipment is not in use they must be switched off  and disconnected from the power source. Laundry equipment is to be switched off when not in use. Spillages of oil, paint, solvents or other flammable liquids are to be cleaned up immediately and rags disposed of correctly.

Good housekeeping  is  important for  safe  work on board.  All  areas  must be  kept  clean, dry, free of rubbish, and free from slipping and tripping hazards. The right tools should be used for each job, and they must be kept  in good order. To avoid any accidents tools, materials, spares and other supplies should be stowed securely and correctly. When you work it is necessary to have sufficient lighting. All alleyways, escape routes and emergency’ exits  must not be obstructed. If there are some leaking pipes or fittings any leakage should be traced and stopped. Any spills must be cleaned up immediately . Oil soaked rags and other flammable materials are potentially hazardous and must be disposed of in fireproof receptacles.

Anyone on board who discovers an emergency must first activate the nearest alarm switch. He    must    ensure  that  the  Deck Officer  on  duty  is  informed without  delay as to the nature and location the emergency, and then proceed to his Emergency Station. In the case of a minor fire, after the alarm has been raised, an attempt should be made to tackle it with minor fire appliances. In case of a more serious fire , doors should be shut and the area secured before evacuating it. All alarm signals are shown on the Muster List. It is  essential that all crew members are aware of the meaning of the various alarm signals in use on board. In all cases, signals are to be backed up with information on the ship's public address system, where fitted.

When entering confined spaces, the atmosphere may be dangerous to health or even fatal. It ma ybedeficient in oxygen and may contain flammable or toxic fume  vapours. A competent person  should make an assessment of the space and a responsible  officer should be designated  to take charge of the planned operation. It is vitally important to identify the potential  hazards.  The space must be prepared and secured for entry and the atmosphere inside should be tested. No sources of ignition should be taken into the space. In all cases, rescue and resuscitation equipment should be positioned ready for use at the entrance to the space. A system of communication  should be agreed and tested to ensure that any person entering the space  can keep in contact with the person stationed at the entrance.

There is a strong possibility of shipboard electronics malfunctioning because of interference caused by the use of mobile telephones. This can be potentially very dangerous. Sensitive equipment such as fire alarm and gas detection systems are particularly prone to interference from other electronic equipment. Masters are required to identify the critical areas on the vessel and ensure a sign is posted regarding restrictions on the use of portable phones during critical periods. Areas where restrictions may be necessary include: the navigation bridge and the engine control room during  manoeuvring ; and the cargo control room during cargo operations in the vicinity of the steering gear.

Practical measures must be taken to reduce security risks. Before entering ports, Masters must remind their crew about their own personal security both on board and on shore. Every crewman must ensure that his/her cabin is kept locked .When in port, a good gangway and deck watch must be maintained. Access to the ship must be limited one point whenever possible. Rope ladders, including pilot ladders are not to be left over-side. Regular checks all round the ship are to be made with attention to the off-shore side as well as the shore-side. Watchmen must carry torches and must keep in radio contact with the officer-of-the-watch.

Special precautions should be taken when working aloft. Where possible, staging or a ladder should be used and secured firmly. A safety harness and lifeline must be used. If possible a safety net should be rigged. Tools should be carried up in secure containers or belts specially designed for carrying tools to prevent them  falling and causing injury to anyone. The area below the work site should be roped off with warning signs stating that people are working aloft. Care should also be taken when working aloft that tools are placed securely to prevent them dropping on anyone. Hazards should be identified, such as the ship whistle, radars, antennae, which should all be isolated while aloft and "Do not operate" signs should be placed on them.

Under Annex V of the MARPOL Convention, garbage includes all kinds of food and domestic and operational waste generated during normal operation of the vessel.
A Garbage Management Plan is obligatory on board the ship. This plan is adapted to meet any ship-specific requirements. Each new member of the crew must receive full instruction and training in the management of ship’s garbage and waste. This is to include collection, separation, processing, storage and disposal. The Garbage Management Plan is reviewed regularly to ensure that it remains effective. The Garbage Disposal Record must include information with regard to when garbage is discharged into the sea,  To reception  facilities  ashore or to another ship, when garbage is incinerated and any accidental or exceptional discharge of garbage. 

A navigation officer has to he Extreme careful when steering a vessel from its course.
The bridge team need to be experienced enough to sail the ship (of, in, at ) all kinds of water and weather condition.
Vessel ( such, so, thus ) as containers and ro-ro ferries have large freeboard and are therefore more effected by winds.
The exposed area of the vessel is also called the windage area as the wind is stronger here. On the same vessel the wind will be different depending into the draught condition of the vessel .
A wind with force 3-4 on the beufort scale will have a similiar impact in light condition to a wind of 7-8 on the beaufort scale when the ship is down to her marks.

Pollution at sea ( need to be cek )
Most of the waste produce on land eventually reaches the sea, either through deliberate dumping or from run ( away, off, to ) through drains and rivers. Oil spill cause a great deal of harm to the marine environment but are only responsible ( for, from, to ) about 12% of the oil running into the sea each year.solid garbage also ( has, makes, takes ) its way to the sea. Plastic bags are offen found ( bending, blocking, breaking ) airways of many marine species including whales, dolphins, seals and turties.
Also, approximately 80% of urban sewage discharged into the mediterranean sea is untreated or ( down, sub, under ) treated.
Tiny animals such as plankton absorb the chemical as they feed.because they don’t break ( away, down, into ) easily.the chemical then become much more concentrated in their bodies than in the surrounding water.

The company’s requirement regarding smoking must be made know to, and sticly observed by, every member of the ship’s company and all visitor to the ship. Local terminal and regulations concerning smoking must also be stricly enforced.
Smoking is strictly prohibited in any area outside accomodation boundaries,alleyways and corridors,in bed,all galleys,stores and
food preparation area, all storerooms including linen lockers and laundry rooms,machinery spaces and workshops.
Cigarette lighters are not permitted. Cigarette ends and matchsticks should be placed in receptacles provided for this purpose.
‘NO SMOKING’ warning notices must be clearly displayed at all points of access making clear the restrictions in force.

The SSO is responsible for the storage and control of all shipboard security equipment including the identification card system.
All security equipment is serviced, maintained, and repaired in accordance with the manufacturer`s recommendation. This ensures the equipment will perform continually during inclement weather conditions and power disruptions.
Maintenance, repair and inspection records for security equipment are maintained
Any equipment or system failure of malfunction shall be reported immediately.

Over the last few years we`ve learnt a lot about piracy. Shipping companies are now being a lot more proactive in disrupting their activities.
These new attacks have involved helicopter gunship attacks on pirate bases onshore. Ships` Captains have been taught how to accelerate and evade attack.
Hulls are now covered with barbed wire and powerful water hoses to deter pirates as they try to climb onboard.
There has been an increase in the use of private armed security contractors who have had great success preventing hijacks.
It`s these armed guards that the pirates are most afraid of

Unless you have to move the injured person fast, you should (secure, separate, severe ) them firmly to a stretcher.
Sometime it might be better to tie the casualty to a wooden plank or aluminium (pole, peel,pill)
(In,at, on ) this case, tie the person up neatly and firmly with their safety helmet on.
( although, moreover, Whatever ) the means of evacuation, it`s important the casualty can be easily moved by the rescuers without coming to further harm.
For example, in a very narrow hole it may be necessary to turn the casualty on ( back,Over, to ) their side. It`s important to make sure the casualty won`t fall off the stretcher ( during, through,While ) they`re being maneuvered.  

ELECTRICAL HAZARDS ( perlu di cek )
If seafarer has been electrocuted the current might have caused the person’s heart to stop and they may de suffering from burns.
The person may be twitching if they are still on contact with the current. High voltage current may also have thrown the casual quite some distance from the original source of the live electricity.
You need to turn off the source of the electrical quickly.however, you should take in mind that by doing this you could create other problem.for example,if the fan is no long working the atmosphere could become dangerous. Unless you are wearing insulated clothing and boots don’t touch the person until you’re completion certain that they are safe,especially if they’re in water

Precautions to be taken during tug assistance
The vessel must be operated at low speed to effectively use the tugs.
The master of the vessel and the tug operators must discuss the location of tug attachment before the operations
Start, as the turning level is decided by the position of the tugs.
Those operating the tug must have knowledge about the operational the capabilities of different kind of tug.
Conventional tugs are less flexible than water tractor tugs.
Always make sure there’s lookout on the from the vessel.
The forces generated by the tugs propeller may cause the vessel to move away from the direction Of the pull.

Lifeboats are the primary means of escape from a vessel in distress; however operations involving the lowering of lifeboats are potentially hazardous. Lifeboats must be launched and exercised in the water once every three months. If the vessel is equipped with free fall lifeboats, launches are required six monthly. It is important to maintain the lifeboats falls and davits as per manufacturer's manual. Release systems must be properly adjusted, regularly maintained, correctly operated and tested regularly. Failure to do this can lead to a malfunction of the release equipment resulting in the boat being released prematurely or alternatively not being released.  Training must be carried out to ensure that all crewmembers are familiar with the correct operation of this type of equipment.

The term "security levels" is used to quantify the risk of a potential security incident. There are 3 security levels:         
Level 1 is considered as normal with minimum routine security measures in place.
Level 2 is where an increased risk of security incident exists. In this case there are additional security measures taken over and above those at level 1.
Level 3 is the highest level and this is where a security incident or threat against a port, port facility, or ship is probable or imminent. Instructions will normally be given by those responding to the incident and generally normal operations will stop. If the security level changes the Master will be advised by the vessel's flag Administration, Company Security Officer of the port. In turn the Ship Security Officer will ensure that all crew are made aware of the level along with their duties.

Threats to the security of ships and crews are always present, whether it be theft, stowaways, piracy, terrorism, bomb threats or drug smuggling. The security of the ship is in the interest of everyone on board. The ship has a security plan which gives the SSO assistance in organizing effective security and practical guidance in procedures and precautions. A Ship Security Officer is appointed onboard and is responsible to the Master for all security issues and for conducting regular security training on board for the crew. Everyone on board has a duty to ensure that the vessel is kept as secure as possible and that any suspicious activities, persons or packages are reported immediately to   the SSO.

Many materials used on board ships have health and safety implications for personnel handling them. All dangerous materials are only to be used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Chemicals must always be handled with great care and personal protective equipment utilized. This equipment is to consist of eye protection, rubber gloves and an apron. Care is to be taken not to breathe chemical vapours. Proprietary eye wash liquid is to be available as a first aid measure to remove chemicals from the eyes.

An Emergency Party is selected from the most suitable officers and ratings on the ship. Usually several emergency parties are formed, such as Bridge Party, Engine Room Party, First Aid Party and Fire-Fighting Party. Regular alarm testing must be used as an opportunity for all on board to learn to recognize the signal for activating the emergency team. This is particularly important where confusion may arise from different alarms. Suitable locations are to be designated for the Emergency Parties to muster at. They must have reasonable access to the upper deck, the accommodation and machinery spaces. The Emergency Party is to muster at a location where emergency equipment is readily available.

Personal Protective Equipment will not in itself prevent an accident but will help to prevent injury . Any person who may be required to wear or use protective clothing or equipment is to be properly trained or instructed in its use and advised of any limitations of its use. Protective clothing and equipment are to be issued to each employee or kept in an easily accessible and clearly marked location. Any defects are to be reported immediately. Note that items such as scarves, sweatbands, casual headgear, loose clothing, finger rings, necklaces and other jewellery can be extremely hazardous . These objects can get caught in moving machinery, power tools or when working with ropes or lines. If the necessary PPE is not available for use , work must not be carried out or permitted.

Half of all major pollution claims arise from incidents on ships that are not carrying oil cargoes spillages of bunker oil and collision account for over one third of the total number of pollution claims. All ships' personnel must ensure that all necessary precautions are taken and that proper procedures are strictly followed during all oil transfer operations. A close watch must be maintained during these operations to ensure that any escape of oil does not go unnoticed. All vessels must carry oil spill removal equipment which includes sorbents, non sparking hand scoops, shovels, and buckets, emulsifiers for deck cleaning, protective clothing, scupper plugs, portable pumps with hoses, etc. The equipment must be kept in a convenient storeroom and must not be used for any other purpose.

If welding or flame-cutting are needed in areas other than in the workshop you should receive a Permit to Work. Where portable lights are required to provide adequate illumination, they should be clamped or secured in position. adequate ventilation should be provided when welding in enclosed spaces. Breathing apparatus may be needed. Welding equipment should be inspected before use to ensure that it is in serviceable condition. All repairs should be carried out by a competent person. Protective clothing including welding helmet, or goggles, leather welding gloves, leather apron and long-sleeved boiler suit must be worn by the operator. The area of work should be free of combustible solids, liquids or gases. Suitable fire extinguisher should be kept at hand ready for use during the operation.

Prior to work involving maintenance and testing of electrical circuits, a Permit to work  is to be completed. This involves work where there is a danger of shock that could result in injury or death . It should be remembered that such injury can be caused at voltages as low as 60V. It   also   involves   work   on   electrical   circuits   of  any voltage where there is a risk of flammable vapours  being present. This will involve all work outside the main accommodation block and machinery spaces on vessels carrying dangerous cargoes. Care is to be taken to isolate  the equipment at source wherever possible and to follow  the Lock-out/Tag-out procedures.

During serious incidents many telephone calls may be made to the ship. The Master must clearly identify  the caller before passing on any information. Unauthorised callers must be referred to the Company for information. The media  in particular will persist in trying to obtain as much information as possible. Only the Master must speak to them. Information passed must only be the minimum necessary and is to be factual. Information, which is found to be misleading, can be very damaging to the management of the incident. The Master must ensure that no other Officer or crewman speaks to the media. At no time must anyone comment on the cause of the incident.
An enclosed space includes tanks for cargo, ballast, fuel, fresh water, cofferdams etc. However any enclosed space is to be considered as dangerous if that space has been closed for an extended period without any ventilation. Such spaces may be oxygen deficient or be filled with toxic fumes from cargoes, fuel or even paint and chemicals. An inspection by Master and Chief engineer is to be carried out in order to identify all spaces which through lack of regular use or any other reason may be considered dangerous. These spaces are to be clearly marked with appropriate warnings, stating that enclosed space entry procedures must be followed. No person must enter an enclosed space, unless a permit has been issued by a senior officer   and   all   precautions   have   been   taken   along   with   adequate   safety   equipment   and   personnel on stand-by in case of emergency.

All visitors must be asked to show identification. Details will then be entered into the visitors' logbook and a pass issued. Random checking of persons and their belongings is to be carried out as per the security plan and the security level in force. Personal checks can be assisted by the use of a hand-held metal detector. During a check any weapons or anything that could be considered as suspicious or looks unusual should be treated as a security alert. If in doubt request the advice of the Officer of the Watch or the Ship Security Officer. If the person refuses to allow his bags suspicious then they and their baggage must not be allowed on board. If a visitor refuses to show his identification or if you suspect the identification document to be false  you should contact the Officer of the Watch or the SSO.

Risk  Assessment  is a relatively  simple task and is a careful examination of  potential hazards during onboard activities. During this examination, precautions already in place can be identified and decisions made as to whether additional precautions may be required. The aim is to prevent at least minimize the chances of accidents or incidents .Assessments are required for all critical operations on board. An operation which may be considered as "routine" with minimal risk in normal conditions may present a higher risk where conditions change, for example bad weather or machinery failure.  Day to day operations are to be included as well as all other critical operations including unusual or infrequent tasks.

Stowaways are usually desperate people trying to flee their country due to political unrest or war. They hide onboard and can create many problems but if discovered they should be treated with reasonable respect and consideration. Stowaways can board in any country but are prevalent in West Africa, Central America and in places where there may be political problems. To assist checking for stowaways a checklist is to be used for routine and final inspection. The checklist contains all spaces where a stowaway could possibly hide. Crews are urged to carry out through searches of  hard-to-reach positions on the ship.
Nearly all fires which have happened on board ships could have been avoided. Fire-fighting on board is difficult and dangerous owing to the confined areas  in which the fire may be tackled and restricted means of escape. These difficulties and dangers can be greatly reduced with the regular exercising and training in the drills. Good housekeeping in all areas of the ship is essential for fire prevention. Strictly observe smoking regulations. Private electrical equipment is only to be used if the equipment is type approved. When such equipment is not in use they must be switched off  and disconnected from the power source. Laundry equipment is to be switched off when not in use. Spillages of oil, paint, solvents or other flammable liquids are to be cleaned up immediately and rags disposed of correctly.

Good housekeeping  is  important for  safe  work on board.  All  areas  must be  kept  clean, dry, free of rubbish, and free from slipping and tripping hazards. The right tools should be used for each job, and they must be kept  in good order. To avoid any accidents tools, materials, spares and other supplies should be stowed securely and correctly. When you work it is necessary to have sufficient lighting. All alleyways, escape routes and emergency’ exits  must not be obstructed. If there are some leaking pipes or fittings any leakage should be traced and stopped. Any spills must be cleaned up immediately . Oil soaked rags and other flammable materials are potentially hazardous and must be disposed of in fireproof receptacles.

Anyone on board who discovers an emergency must first activate the nearest alarm switch. He    must    ensure  that  the  Deck Officer  on  duty  is  informed without  delay as to the nature and location the emergency, and then proceed to his Emergency Station. In the case of a minor fire, after the alarm has been raised, an attempt should be made to tackle it with minor fire appliances. In case of a more serious fire , doors should be shut and the area secured before evacuating it. All alarm signals are shown on the Muster List. It is  essential that all crew members are aware of the meaning of the various alarm signals in use on board. In all cases, signals are to be backed up with information on the ship's public address system, where fitted.

When entering confined spaces, the atmosphere may be dangerous to health or even fatal. It may be
deficient in oxygen and may contain flammable or toxic fume  vapours. A competent person  should make an assessment of the space and a responsible  officer should be designated  to take charge of the planned operation. It is vitally important to identify the potential  hazards.  The space must be prepared and secured for entry and the atmosphere inside should be tested. No sources of ignition should be taken into the space. In all cases, rescue and resuscitation equipment should be positioned ready for use at the entrance to the space. A system of communication  should be agreed and tested to ensure that any person entering the space  can keep in contact with the person stationed at the entrance.

There is a strong possibility of shipboard electronics malfunctioning because of interference caused by the use of mobile telephones. This can be potentially very dangerous. Sensitive equipment such as fire alarm and gas detection systems are particularly prone to interference from other electronic equipment. Masters are required to identify the critical areas on the vessel and ensure a sign is posted regarding restrictions on the use of portable phones during critical periods. Areas where restrictions may be necessary include: the navigation bridge and the engine control room during  manoeuvring ; and the cargo control room during cargo operations in the vicinity of the steering gear.

Practical measures must be taken to reduce security risks. Before entering ports, Masters must remind their crew about their own personal security both on board and on shore. Every crewman must ensure that his/her cabin is kept locked .When in port, a good gangway and deck watch must be maintained. Access to the ship must be limited one point whenever possible. Rope ladders, including pilot ladders are not to be left over-side. Regular checks all round the ship are to be made with attention to the off-shore side as well as the shore-side. Watchmen must carry torches and must keep in radio contact with the officer-of-the-watch.

Special precautions should be taken when working aloft. Where possible, staging or a ladder should be
used and secured firmly. A safety harness and lifeline must be used. If possible a safety net should be rigged. Tools should be carried up in secure containers or belts specially designed for carrying tools to prevent them  falling and causing injury to anyone. The area below the work site should be roped off with warning signs stating that people are working aloft. Care should also be taken when working aloft that tools are placed securely to prevent them dropping on anyone. Hazards should be identified, such as the ship whistle, radars, antennae, which should all be isolated while aloft and "Do not operate" signs should be placed on them.

Under Annex V of the MARPOL Convention, garbage includes all kinds of food and domestic and operational waste generated during normal operation of the vessel.
A Garbage Management Plan is obligatory on board the ship. This plan is adapted to meet any ship-specific requirements. Each new member of the crew must receive full instruction and training in the management of ship’s garbage and waste. This is to include collection, separation, processing, storage and disposal. The Garbage Management Plan is reviewed regularly to ensure that it remains effective.
The Garbage Disposal Record must include information with regard to when garbage is discharged into the sea, To reception  facilities  ashore or to another ship, when garbage is incinerated and any accidental or exceptional discharge of garbage. The disposal record along with receip for any garbage landed ashore are to be kept on port for a minimum of two years and  are to be readily available for inspection by port official and other inspection

vessel security :
Certain basic precautions when in port need to be taken to ensure the vessels overall security the wheelhouse ,radio room storeroom and where possible the steering gear compartment should be kept locked and opened  In ports with a bad record of theft its is also advisable to lock the public rooms if they are not occupied by midnight
Consideration should be given to dismissing watchman to the accommodation to one door only ,only authorized craft should be and they should not be  afloat allowed to remain for longer than is necessary .
In ports where security arrangement are poor or where proplems are even better ,local watchman should be employed through the agents .

Ship fire :
Upon discovering a fire ,either visually or through the smoke detector the emergency alarm must be sounded and the emergency party mustered .
The or the senior deck officer on board will direct the emergency party ,his actions will be governed by circumstances but initially he must investigate the situation and  assess the gravity of the fire
If personnel are ,or have been working in the affected hold a search must be made while commencing remedial action the investigation will determine if the fire  can be dealt with using hoses ,or if the fixed fire extinguishing system will be required .
Whatever the outcome the emergency party should rig fire hoses around the affected hold and cool the deck

During bunker operations some precautions need to be taken to eliminate any pollution risks for example ,when bunkering at berth the vessels mooring lines are to be inspected regularly ,this is to ensure that they are kept properly  tensioned and to minimize any movement of the vessel ,the same precautions are to be observed for mooring lines when bunkering from abarge .
Before starting to bunker the means of communication between the ship ,shore ,barge or tanker should be checked and signals used should be    by all parties ,the officer appointed to supervise the bunkering operation must  closely      co-operate with other engineers and deck officers ,very clear and efficient communication
Before ordering bunkers and also before commencement of bunkering ,accurate sounding or bullages of the oil tanks are to be taken this is to determine the amount already on board and to ensure that the expected supply can be accommodated safely
It is essential that the vessels trim ans list if any exist due to cargo operations are taken into account .
Oil absorbent ,dry material such as sand or sawdust ,should be available on deck
At all times to deal with any spillage wich may occur .
The hoses and other equipment in use should be regularly inspected prior to commencement of bunkering and at regular intervals during use this will assist detection of leakage or damage

Chemical fire :
With fires involving chemical ,it is important for the emergency party to remain  well upwind In port ,the oil spill contingency plan must be put into action  and the port authorities informed ,action here will depend on firstly ,the danger to life on board and secondly environmental  considerations
If any spillage is to be washed overboard it should be done using copious quantities of water applied in the form of s spray only .
Breathing apparatus and protective clothing will be required ,special instructins to deal with a leakage of ,or fire in ,dangerous chemicals carried as deck cargo must always be availablBefore sailing from the loading port .

Carrying out maintenance work safety :
Many accident occur during maintenance work , controlling risk means following safe  practices for example .
Where possible carry out maintenance with the power switched off and ideally disconnected or with the fuses or keys removed particularly where access to dangerous parts is needed .Isolate equipment and pipelines containing pressurized fuel ,gas ,steam or hazardous material ,isolating valves should be locked off and the system depressurized where possible particularly if access to dangerous parts is required.
Support parts of equipment which could fall

Allow moving equipment to stop .


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