Monday, February 22, 2016


  1. The captain is speaking the ship cook about preparing caviar and pancake for the Russia crew’s Christmas dinner, What the problem does the cook have? (LISTENING : HE’S VERY BUSY)
  2. Two rating are talking bout the cook, why is the cook is in hospital? (LISTENING : HE WAS CUT WITH A FISH BONE)
  3. a Member of the crew is talking about accident that happened to two motorman onboard a ferry, what happened to them? (LISTENING : THEY WAS BRUN WITH HOT WATER)
  4. The crew manager and seafarer are talking together. What are the arrangements for meeting agent in Moscow ? (LISTENING : THE AGENT WILL BE STANDING AT MONEY EXCHANGE)
  5. Two crewman are talking about a accident at sea, where did the accident take place? (LISTENING : NEAR FRANCE, JUST OFF THE COST)
  6. A lecturer is talking about famous historical expedition. Who was the firs persons to use an ocean going clock for long journey ? (LISTENING : CAPTAIN, COOK)
  7. Two seafarers are talking together. When will they be able to meet next? (LISTENING : IN FOUR MONTH)
  8. A seafarers is trying to wake his friend up in a hotel, why did he get up so early? ( LISTENING : BECAUSE HE FORGOT TO CHANGE THE TIME OF HIS WATCH)
  9. The Cief Officer is talking to a rating while the ship in port in US water,Why can’t the rating do the painting? ( LISTENING : WIND HAS BEEN FORECAST FOR LATER)
  10. Two seafarers are talking after arriving in port, why are the dummies hanging over the rails? ( listening : TO PREVENT PIRATES FROM BOARDING THE VESSEL )
  11. A Cadet is talking to the chief officer about the liferaft, how many days was the Chinese crew at sae for in their life raft (LISTENING : 50 DAYS)
  12. A superintendent is talking to dry dock manager about repair on board ship, how long will the repair probably take? (listening: ABOUT A COUPLE  OF WEEK)
  13. The captain is talking to with the ship candler about ordering provision. What kind of vegetables does the captain order. (listening: POTATOS AND CARROT)
  14. The watch officer is discussing a problem with the captain. What type f problem is it. (listening: THERE IS A PROBLEM WITH A ECHO SOUNDER)
  15. A Safety officer is giving instructions about a fire drill. where can u see the instructions for the fire extinguisher. (listening: ON THE RIGHT HAND SIDE OF THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER)
  16. A passenger on cruise liner is complaining to the electrician about a problem in her cabin. What short problem is it? (Listening : IT’S A SMALL PROBLEM THAT HE CAN REPAIR QUICKLY)
  17. Ship is making mayday call. where did the fire start? (Listening : IN THE ENGINE ROOM)
  18. A seafarer is describing an accident at sea. what happen to the man who fell overboard? (Listening : HE FROZE TO DEATH IN WATER)
  19. The 4th talking with the 2nd eng.  about the result of a lifeboat inspection. what inspection has not been carried out on lifeboat? (Listening : HE HASN’T CHECKED THE FUEL SHUT OFF VALVE)
  20. A journalist is talking on the radio about lighthouses and light ship, Where are the Goodwin Sand. (Listening : ENGLAND)
  21. A seafarer is speaking to an airport official before boarding his flight, Where are the passenger for flight GR 342 to Frankfrut boarding? (Listening : AT GATE TWENTY SEVEN)
  22. The chief engineer talking to the 3rd eng. about the cook. why is the cook pouring vodka on the deck. (BECAUSE HE BELIEVED IT'S GOOD LUCK
  23. Two seafarers are working on the stern, why is the seafarers hand bleeding? (BECAUSE HE CUT HIM SELF ON BARBED WIRE)
  24. A Vessel within glasgow VTS area is having problem, what assistance does the ship require? (Navigatinal assistant)
  25.  A lecturer is talking about famous historical expedition, who was the first person to use an ocean going clock for long journey? (Captain cook)
  26. Two eng. are talking during the watch,change over about the generator coolant, how did the chief eng. fix the problem? (ADDED WATER
  27. A broadcaster is reading the news. How many country will the president visit? (4)
  28. Two ratings are talk about port state control inspection, what deficiency has been found after the current inspection? (THERE'S A CRACK IN ONE OF THE LIFEBOATS)
  29. Two pilot are talking. why is one pilot leaving his job? (BECAUSE HE'S BEEN OFFERED A JOBS THAT PAY MORE)
  30. Two employee are talking together in the deliveries and suppliers office. what is the problem with deliveries? (THERE IS REDUCE PRODUCTION AND CUTBACK)
  31. A seaman is asking direction from a person in town. what is the seaman looking for? (THE BANK)
  32. A 2nd Officer is reporting an accident to the Captain on the bridge. How far is the ship from the accident? 10 minutes.
  33. A 3rd officer is calling his ship’s agent from the airport.why can’t the seafarer get to Rotterdam by plane? because his connecting flight was cancelled
  34. A broadcaster is reading the news. How many countries will the President visit? 4.
  35. A cadet is talking to the Chief Officer about the liferaft. How many days were the Chinese crew at sea for in their liferaft? 50 days
  36. A captain is calling transglobe management office.why is he calling? They have problems with email on boards
  37. A Captain is giving a talk at a conference. What is the main subject of the Captain’s talk? To show that armed attcks are steadly increasing.
  38. A Captain is making a distress call from his ship. When did the collision occur? 04.00 hrs/03.00 hrs 
  39. A Captain is talking about some stowaways who boarded his ship. Where were the stowaways probably hiding? In the lifeboat.
  40. A captain is talking on the phone to a training manager about their next meeting. Who is the seminar for? For everybody
  41. A captain is talking to an agent about damage to his ships. What’s the damage? The rudder’s damage
  42. A cargo officer is talking to a stevedore about a problem. What cargo previously carried by the ship? Grain.
  43. A cargo officer is asking a truck driver to describe an accident onboard a ferry. How was the woman injured? she hit by truck
  44. cook and an AB are having a conversation together. How did the Steward injure himself? He fell downstairs.
  45. A crane operator is communicating with a barge crew member. Why is the barge crew member worried about the load? He thinks the load is unstable
  46. A crew member is phoning home from a new rig. When did the crew member first discover saunas? While working in the black sea, while working in the north sea, in his colleague’s house
  47. A crewing assistant is speaking a seafarer’s wife on the telephone. When will the 2nd Engineer sign off the ship? Don’t know.
  48. A crew member is describing an accident that happened at sea on a freight ferry. What did a member of the orward mooring team notice? Drum of dangerous chemicals had split
  49. A crew member is talking about an incident that happened aboard a ferry.when did the incident happen? When her berth.
  50. A Crew manager is talking to the Chief Officer about delay. Why is the ship’s departure delayed? They have a problems with the engines.
  51. A maritime trainer is making flight reservation. Which flight does he reserve? The 495 Euros flight/ The 700 euros flight
  52. A master and a crew manager are talking together on the telephone.what is the requirement for the photo? Two photos taken within the last six mounts
  53. A Master is calling the crewing company. Why can’t the crew manager come to the phone? He’s still in a meeting/he’s havinglunch.
  54. A Master is giving feedback to a rating after a lifeboat drillWhy is the Master angry with the rating? Because he was slow donning his immersion suit.
  55. A master is speaking to the chief officer about a presentation he has to give.what type of presentation does the master decide to give? A presentation using real-life photo
  56. A master is talking to his chief officer about his retirement plans, how does the master plan to spend his retirement? As a volunteer with the coastguard rescue service
  57. A master is talking to his young and inexperienced 3rd officer on the brdge in water off east Africa.why is the master less worried than the 3rd officer? Because there’s an international warship nearby
  58. A member of the crew is talking about an accident that happened to the cook on board a ferry. What jot was he when he got an electric shock? He was in the galley, washing down the deck.
  59. A member of the crew is talking about an accident that happened to two motormen on board a ferry. What happened to them? They were burnt with hot water.
  60. A women an announcing the arrival and departure times of trains at the railway station. Which train has been cancelled? The 9 a.m trail.
  61. An AB is talking about an incident that happened in bad weather. What was the main problem? Some pipes broke loose./the storm damaged the cargo
  62. An announcement is talking place on a cruise ship.Where must all passenger go with their life jackets? To the main lounge
  63. An auditor is speaking to an engineer during an inspection on many looks have a problem? One lock on the last door.
  64. An English seaman is talking to a Russia seaman about his wife.what is his wife’s job at the moment? She works in a clothes factory
  65. An engineer is giving instructions to a junior cadet.What are his instructions about? Changing a fuse
  66. A news announcer is talking about a collision at sea. How many helicopters in total were involved in the rescue? 3
  67. A new employee is having a tour of the installation. When is he emergency drill taking place? in two days
  68. A seafarer is talking to his crew mate. Why does the seaman have to get permission to go shore? he’s left his seaman’s book somewhere
  69. A seafarers is telling story about a ship that got into difficulties. What happened to the general cargo vessel? The main engine broke down.
  70. A seafarer is trying to wake his friend up in hotel. why did he get up so early? Because he forgot to change the time on his watch.
  71. A seafarer is speaking to an airport official before boarding his flight.where are the passangers for flight GR 324 to frankfur boarding? At gate twenty seven
  72. A seafarer trying to wake his friend up in a hotel. Why did he get up so early? Because he forgot to change the time on his watch.
  73. A secretary is talking to an applicant in the crewing office, What position is the applicant applying for? 3rd Officer.
  74. A Safety Officer is giving instructions about a fire drill. Where can you see the instructions for the fire extinguisher? On the right hand side of the fire extinguisher.
  75. A seafarer is asking directions from a person in town. What is the seaman looking for? The Bank
  76. A seaman is talking to a taxi driver. At what time must the seaman get to the port? By four thirty
  77. A ship is asking for navigational assistance.What VHF channel will that ship use when navigational assistance was ended? Channel 71
  78. A ship is the making a Mayday call. Where did the fire start? In the engine room
  79. A stewardess is explaining to the passengers how to put on a life should a life jacket be put on correctly? First, tie one upper and then one lower tape
  80. A Superintendent is talking to a dry dock manager about repairs on board ship. How long will repairs probably ? About a couple of weeks
  81. A technician is showing his permit-to-work to the supervisor.why can’t the technician enter the site? The permit isn’t correctly filled in
  82. A TV presenter is reading the news. How many people were on board the yacht? Four people/. Fourteen people
  83. A vessel within Glasgow VTS are is having problem. What assistance does the ship require? Navigation assistance
  84. A weather forecaster is giving a weather report for the Middle East. What will the temperature be like mountainous areas tomorrow? 28°C
  85. Luckily,i didn’t hurt my self, i only tore my shorts on a ladder
  86. make sure the galley emergency exist aren’t blocked
  87. make sure you avoid that buoy 
  88. oil/all production must be carefully monitored
  89. pass me the ball/bowl
  90. I want to check it’s alright pete banks is being taken onshore after an accident.what was the cause of the accident? please could you switch over/switch off
  91. Please inform us when the hold inspection will be carried out
  92. Sarah is talking to her friend about the cook.why is the cook in hospital? he was cut
  93. Sarah is talking to her friend about her terrible holiday.what was the only food part of her holiday? the swimming pool
  94. So are you going to live/leave here then?
  95. The accident happened because the access was blocked
  96. The 1st Officer is talking to the Captain about a collision at sea, How much damage was there? One fishing boat was damaged.
  97. The 2nd officer is reporting an accident to the captainhow much damage was there? One vessel sank and the other had hull damage
  98. The 2nd and 3rd are discussing an inspection of equipment on board ship. Why can’t the 2nd Officer finish the breathing apparatus check? Because he has to show the inspector around the ship/. Because he can’t find the maintenance record
  99. he 3rd Engineer is talking with 2nd Engineer about a fire.Where did the fire start? In the workshop./ In the engine room
  100. The 3rd officer is talking with the chief officer about rescue operations. Where were the 14 survivors picked up from? from a capsized yacht
  101. The 3rd Officer and the 2nd Officer are talking about the Port State Control inspection. What deficiencies were found on the bridge? out date charts were not removed from the table
  102. he 3rd engineer is talking to the bosun about bunkering.why can’t they start bunker immediately? they must bring the oil absorbent
  103. The 4th Engineer is talking with the 2nd Engineer about the result of a lifeboat inspection. What inspection has not been carried out on lifeboat? He hasn’t checked fuel shut off valve
  104. The 3rd Officer is talking to Captain about a safety check that he carried out on board. Why should new safety equipment be ordered? Broken Safety Equipment
  105. A women is announcing the arrival and departure times of trains at the railway station. Which train has been cancelled? The 9am train
  106. James McGarry is being interviewed for the position of\ electrical supervisor. What type of reports has he written? Reports on saving power
  107. Listen to the new bulletin. Where has the pirate attack taken place? off west africa
  108. The Chief Engineer is talking to the 3rd Engineer about the Cook. Why is the Cook pouring vodka on the deck? Because he believes it’s good luck
  109. The Chief Engineer is talking to the Chief Officer about the new 3rd Engineer. Why did the 3rd engineer ignore the Chief Engineer? because he doesn’t like being shouted at
  110. The chief mate is making a phone call to the phone company When is the phone being disconnected? june 15th
  111. the officer and 3rd officer are talking about the bad weather at sea.what do they expect the weather condition to be like when they reach port Elizabeth? Weather condition will get worse
  112. The Chief Officer and the bosun are talking about jobs that need doing. Where is the electrician working? In the lecture room.
  113. The cargo officer and stevedore are discussing a shipping load .. together.why must they finish loading before 1300 hrs? the ship will need To move
  114. The Chief Officer is instructing the crew about a lifeboat drill.When does the Chief Officer instruct the crew? Before he drill.
  115. The Chief Officer is talking to a rating about personal protective equipment. Why isn’t the rating wearing safety shoes? another crew member is wearing his shoes.
  116. The Chief Officer is talking to a rating while the ship is in port in US waters. Why can’t the rating do the paining? WIND HAS BEEN FORECAST FOR LATER
  117. Chief Officer and the 3rd Officer are talking about the bad weather at sea. What do they expect the weather condition to be like when they reach Port Elizabeth? Weather conditions will get worse.
  118. The evening news is reporting a fire on board a vessel. What were the results of the fire? The was badly damaged; crew have minor injuries
  119. The Cook is talking to the 3rd Engineer about a burn on his hand. Why is the Cook surprised at the 3rd Engineer? Because he’s putting butter on his burnt hand.
  120. The Master is campaigning to the Chief Officer about the number of emails he receives every day. According to the Master,what is the main problem the emails?A lot of them are not for him.
  121. he Master is talking to the Chief Cook about his lunch. How does the Master want his steak done? He wants the beef well done and grilled.
  122. The Master is talking to his Chief Officer before they enter US waters. What is the Master going to inspect now?  the cargo
  123. The master is talking to the chief officer about vessel general permit compliance in US waters.what crime did the master of the other vessel commit? the master falsified papers
  124. The Master is talking to the Chief Officer about the new Chief Engineer. Why is the Master concerned about the new Chief Engineer? He doesn’t communicate well 
  125. The Master sees a seafarer boarding the vessel with a plastic bag with bottles inside. What type of alcohol is the seafarer trying to bring on board? Whisky.
  126. he new car carrier new wave is the ninth to join our fleet since 2004
  127. The No smoking warning sign must be posted in sight immediately onboard procedure need considerable updating/upgrading
  128. The process of loading and discharging was carried out by he 2nd officer yesterday
  129. There are about thirty crew members working on this ferry
  130. There’re a growing number small/er tour vessels.
  131. which can take travelers into places larger vessels can’t enter here’re a lot of shops/ships in this area
  132. There are a lot of taxis in this area
  133. There seems to be a problem with stalling
  134. These two shirts are dirty.they need washing
  135. accident happened because the access was blocked
  136. The crew manager and a seafarer are talking together. What are the arrangements for meeting the agent in Moscow? THE AGENT WILL BE STANDING AT MONEY EXCHANGE
  137. The radar/rudder must be repaired immediately
  138. The ratings are talking about a new cook. What’s the problem with the food ? lack of taste
  139. The receptionist in a shipping agent’s officer is speaking to a courier about a package delivery. Who is the package for? The Bosun.
  140. Two officers are talking on the bridge. What was the cause of he lifeboat accident? Unfamiliarity withthelifeboats /lack of communication between crew members
  141. Two platform co workers are can you recognize the ex army worker?
  142. Two pilots are talking.why is one pilot leaving his job? Because he’s been offered a job that pays more/because he’s reached the age of retirement
  143. Two ratings are talking about the new cook. What’s the problem with the food? They found a piece of wood in the food.
  144. Two ratings are talking about the cook. Why is cook in hospital?He was cut with a fish done.
  145. Two ratings are talking next to one of the lifeboats. What is the lifeboat made of? Aluminium.
  146. Two seafarers are discussing plans their next leave. What do they both enjoy about staying at home? They enjoy making their own decisions.
  147. Two seafarers are speaking about an accident on a ship. Where did the motorman leave his lit cigarette? In the messroom.
  148. Two seafarers are talking about an incident. How were the tourists rescued? They were rescued by a helicopter.
  149. Two seafarers are talking about a car crush. Why does the seafarer think his brother-in-law crushed the car? He was probably going too fast/ drinking.
  150. Two seafarers are talking about an emergency at sea. When did happened? Winter.
  151. Two seafarers are talking about an emergency that once happened at sea. What was the seafarer’s first action when he saw a man overboard? shouted “man overboard”.
  152. Two seafarers are talking after arriving in port. Why are the dummies hanging over the rails? To prevent pirates from boarding the vessel.
  153. Two seafarers are talking on the deck. What did the seafarer see in the ocean? Yellow rubber ducks.
  154. Two seafarers are talking together about their future plans Why does the first seafarer want to leave? He’d like to stay in one place for a change
  155. Two seafarers are talking together. When will they be able to next meet? In four months. Two seafarers are talking.Why did the fishing boat overturn? No-one knows the real cause yet.
  156. Two seafarers are talking. Why did the seafarer leave his previous jobs? He doesn’t like working with people Two seafarers are talking, why did the fishing boat overturn? Because it collided with a submarine
  157. Two seafarers are working on the stern. Why is the seafarer’s hand bleeding? Because he cut himself on barber wire.
  158. Two seafarers in the Port of Odessa are discussing shore leave. How will the seafarer spend his store leave?Sightseeing/shoppin.
  159. The watch officer is discussing a problem with the Captain. What type of problem is it? There’s a problem with the echosounder.
  160. wait until the pilot arrives.
  161. We can’t SELL these envelopes because they’re wet
  162. We checked and certified all safety.belts before they were taken onboard
  163. We have a real problem with stowaways/storage on this vessel
  164. We looked through all the catalogues but couldn’t find the name of this part
  165. We need to do an exploration of the seabed
  166. We need to clean the deck
  167. We need to go in a hurry/lorry
  168. We need to examine the cargo before unloading it
  169. We’re running out of pepper/paper can you get some more?
  170. What do you think of that advice/device?
  171. What have you just put in your bucket/pocket?
  172. What time is the postman/bosun coming?
  173. When are you going to see the sights?
  174. When I checked the tape it turned out to be damaged
  175. Where is that flag from
  176. While loading the cargo of wooden.goods.special fire precautions should be taken
  177. Would you like this?
  178. You can look through the glasses
  179. You must inspect all the fans before sailing?
  180. You need to lift the ramp higher
  181. You ‘ve broken the bottle
  182. A crew manager is talking on the telephone to a 2nd Officer Who has been promoted? 2nd off and italian chief officer
  183. A crew member on the ship is talking to the captain about a problem, why is the captain going to write to the company?The captain wants to request a change of crewmember.
  184. A customer is talking to an assistant in an electronic shop about dvd’s. what’s the price of the dvd player? $50,00
  185. A customer is talking to a sales assistant in a shoe shop.what shoes does the man want? Black size 43
  186. A customers in a shop is asking the assistant for help. What is the customer looking for? A pair of jeans.
  187. A customer is asking a shop assistant about different types of phones. what’s the price of the mobile phone? Two hundred and seventeen dollars
  188. A customer is discussing his order with the waiter in a restaurant.what happened when he eats spicy food? he gets a bad stomachache
  189. A delivery man is delivering tinned goods to the chief cook on board the vessel in many years out of date are the tinned tomatoes? Three years
  190. A doctor is boarding the vessel to examine an injured seafarer. What did the ship’s doctor to injured seafarer’s leg?He didn’t touch the injured leg.
  191. A drilling engineer is talking to a friend onshore. What does he need to write reports on? Well site activities and performance,changes to work manuals,procedures and programmes
  192. A fitter is talking about an accident that happened to the engineer on board ship. What happened to the Chief Engineer? He fell down a hole.
  193. A fleet manager and Chief Engineer are talking together in London office. Where should the tickets be collected from? In t airport/. in the city
  194. A gangway watchman is talking to a visitor who wants to see the captain.why can’t the visitor board the ship? He has forgotten his ID
  195. A husband and wife are late returning to their cruise ship after an onshore trip. Why are they late for their ship? They took a long time shopping
  196. A journalist is talking on the radio about lighthouses and lightships. Where are the Goodwin Sands? England.
  197. A lecture is talking about famous historical expeditions. Why was the first person to use an ocean going clock for a long journey? Captain cook
  198. manager is talking to the offshore workforce. How many times has mick held the position of safetyrepresentative in total? This is the third time
  199. A man is asking for directions of the street. How long will it time him to walk to the hospital? Ten minutes. the engines.
  200. A man is giving a talk on North Sea oil rigs. How long have they been operating? 40 years.
  201. An auditor is speaking to an engineer during an inspection on board.
  202. An engineer is giving instructions to a junior cadet.what are this instruction? Fixing a broken pipe/wiring an electrical plug/changing a fuse
  203. A passenger is talking to a purser on cruise liner. How long does the visa last? 24 hours.
  204. A passenger on a cruise liner is complaining to the electrician about a problem in her cabin. What sort of problem is it?it’s a small problem that he can repair quickly.
  205. A passenger on a cruise ship is talking to the cabin steward about changing cabins. Why can’t she sleep? The disco keeps her awake.
  206. A purser on board a cruise ship is giving a passenger information about a customs form. What was the announcement over the PA system? Passengers should stay in their cabins.
  207. A radio announcer is talking about a radio programme. How long has the Captain been at see? 42 years.
  208. A radio announcer is giving the shipping forecast. What will .. .. the weather be like over next 24 hours? Force 3-4 winds for the next 24 hours.
  209. A radio announcer is talking about a radio play. Where does the drama take place? An oil rig.
  210. A rating is talking to the officer on did the cook cut himself? The cook cut himself on the knife that was in the sink
  211. A receptionist is talking to a caller on the telephone, What does the caller want? To speak to andy
  212. A rig worker is talking about his career. What stopped him from becoming a diver? He thought it was too dangerous
  213. A recorder message from a crewing office is being played, What time does the office open on a Saturday? 8.15 am.
  214. As a result of poor monitoring the coil started self heating and within a short time it ignited A seafarer is booking into a hotel. What decision does he make about his room? He takes the room offered to him
  215. A seafarer is describing an accident at sea. What happened to the man who fell overboard? He froze to death in the water
  216. A seafarer is phoning the receptionist in the shipping office to make an enquiry. What is the seafarer expecting from his brother? A letter/a package/a message
  217. A seafarer is talking to his crew mate. Why does the seaman have to get permission to go ashore? Because he has problems with his memory.
  218. A seafarer is talking about a fire on board a ship. When did the engineer on watch realise there was a fire? when he smelt burning and saw smoke/when he heard the fire alarm
  219. Be careful! Don’t hit your head on that lock!
  220. Be careful watch the load/road !
  221. Because of the local holiday we expect to complete discharging on Tuesday before sailing/sealing
  222. Bill and brian are talking about what they want to eat later. Why doesn’t bill want fish ? it’s difficulty to find good fish
  223. Can I have a look at that cv please?
  224. Can you check the electrical equipment over there,please?
  225. Could we go together?
  226. Could you put the maintenance report next to my cap/cup
  227. Custom officers have boarded a vessel and conducting a drugs search. They are talking to the master.where do the custom officer still have to check? The medical stores
  228. Did you hear about that deck rating who was asphyxiated by carbondioxide
  229. Did you sign/see the documents which I put on the table?
  230. Don’t leave only clothes lying around because they’re a fire risk
  231. Does that wire seem you? Due to a serious leak of ..gas/lack of gas we had to delay our cargo operations for a few days.
  232. During these procedures rescue and ..resuscitation equipment should be positioned in sight/on the side
  233. During the watch changeover, two engineer are talking about the generator coolant. How did engineer fix the problem ? Added water
  234. For many years scientists have been involved in researching God,it stinks! Can you smell sewage again?
  235. Hasn’t that diver arrived yet?
  236. Have you been involved in any…………over the years?
  237. Have you cut your hair?
  238. Have you made an appointment with employee
  239. Have you paid the call/all the bills yet?
  240. Have you seen the team?
  241. He can tell you many stories about his life at sea He threw the toy plane across the garden
  242. He is a lawyer How many looks have a problem? One lock on the last door.
  243. I’m afraid it’s too late?
  244. I am affraid we don’t have enought time to prepare the emergency pump I’m looking for the mail/nail.
  245. it was here a moment ago I’m sorry but I can’t find the purser/parcel.anywhere
  246. I can’t see because of the thick smog
  247. I CAN’T tell you the exact time when the ship will sail
  248. I don’t like that rumour/humour
  249. I don’t think it’s far/fair
  250. I don’t want to………today
  251. I need a lighter please
  252. I want you to complete checking as soon as possible and then make sure all these items ad locked/logged
  253. It was a hard ground/grind
  254. The boat fell from a height af about three metres whilst being hoisted out of the water
  255. The bosun’s in a bad mood and he’s very hungry
  256. The Bosun is giving instructions to some ABs on board. How many coats of paint does the AB need to apply? Two coats.
  257. The bosun is talking with an AB about his previous voyage,What was the first reason the came to a stop during the passage?the propeller was caught in the fishing nets.
  258. The Bosun is giving instructions to some ABs on board. How many coats of paint does the AB need to apply? Two coats.
  259. The bosun fell from the vessel while rigging the pilot ladder
  260. The Captain is briefing the crew about a piracy attacks. What should the crew do if they see anyone suspicious? Report them.
  261. The Captain is calling Transglobe Management Office. Why is he calling?They have problems with email on board.
  262. The Captain is speaking to the ship’s Cook about preparing caviar and pancakes for the Russian crew’s Christmas dinner What problem does the Cook have? He’s very busy.
  263. The Captain is talking with ship’s chandler about ordering provision. What kind of vegetables does the Captain order? Potatoes and carrots.
  264. The captain is giving a short description of a recent pirate attact on a ship.what did the pirate want? Money & valuables The captain was sleeping when the ACCIDENT happened
  265. The cargo officer and the bosun are discussing loading the hold. Why does hold 2 have to cleaned again? It still smalls.
  266. The cargo officer is asking a truck driver to describe an accident on board a ferry. How was the woman injured? She was hit truck.
  267. The cargo officer and stevedore are discussing a shipping load together. Why must they finish loading before 1300 hrs? The ship will need to move
  268. The chief cook is talking to the assistant cook about a minor incident.where did the fire start? in the toaster
  269. The chief engineer really/rarely works hard
  270. The chief engineer is talking to the about the new 3rd . eng,why did he 3rd eng ignore the chief eng? Because he’s depressed and has marriage problems
  271. The Chief Engineer is holding a toolbox talk before carrying out work on the electrical circuits. What does the Chief Engineer still need to discuss in the toolbox talk before carrying out the work? The risk assessments and work permit.
  272. The Chief Engineer is inspecting the engine room. What does, he order the 4th Engineer to do immediately? To remove the collecting tins.
  273. The Chief Engineer is talking to the 2nd Engineer about aminor accident on board. What was the cause of the accident?The 2nd engineer wasn’t there to supervise.
  274. The cook is talking to the 3rd Engineer. According 3rd Engineer, how many years would it take for the cook’s bread to degrade? 450 years/ 200 years
  275. the crewman are describing a port state control inspector.what does hr look like?
  276. the crew will be signed off .on 12 th september
  277. The Crew Manager is talking to the AB about his contract Why won’t the AB receive a seniority bonus? Because he hasn't done enough contracts.
  278. the crew manager is talking to the chief officer about a delay. Why is the ship’s departure delayed? They have a problem with the crew change
  279. crew manager is briefing the crew before they join the vessel. What will happen to a crewmember if he found drunk?he will be signed off
  280. he crew manager got a flight yesterday
  281. The crew manager and a seafarer are talking together.what are the arrangements for meeting the agent in Moscow? THE AGENT WILL BE STANDING AT MONEY EXCHANGE
  282. evening news is reporting a fire onboard a vessel.what were the results of the fire? the ships was badly damaged and there are minor injuries
  283. The expiry date on these fire extinguishers ends in 1 month.we’ll need thirteen extinguishers to be replaced or refilled on shore
  284. The final destination of the cargo is Australia/Austria
  285. The last ferry back is at………..hour
  286. The Master and the Chief Officer are talking about carrying out work in heavy weather. Why will the ratings have to work In heavy weather? The grab has broken free from its lashings
  287. The Master and Chief Officer are talking on the bridge. How long did the storm last? Two days.
  288. The master and chief officer are talking on the bridge. What was the cause of the collision? The officer of the watch couldc’t see both vessels/ There wa heavy weather at the time of the collision
  289. The Master and Chief Officer are talking on the bridge. Which part of the world does the Master dislike sailing in? The North atlantic.
  290. The Master and chief officer are talking on the bridge.why do hey think they have diarrhea? The cook not hygineess
  291. The Master and chief officer are talking about accidents on board.according to the master,what is the least common type of accident on board? Accidents caused by the weather
  292. The Master and Chief Officer are talking together. What happened to the Chief Officer’s friend last year? He fell asleep on the bridge during the night
  293. master and chief officer are talking on the bridge. Why is the chief officer having problems sleeping? His coughing is keeping him awake at night
  294. The Second Officer is instructing the crew how to use thermal protective aids. What should you remember to do when getting into the TPA? Don a life jacket.
  295. The seafarers are speaking about an accident on a ship.where did the motorman leave his lit cigarette?
  296. The stevedore is talking to the cargo officer. What’s the problem storing the boxes? There isn’t enough light.
  297. The watch officer is discussing a problem with the captain. what type of problem is it?there’s a problem with the echo sounder
  298. They’re going to add another storey/stairway to this building
  299. Those metal lockers are covered in dust/rust
  300. Three engineers saw flames coming from the control room
  301. The watch officer is discussing a problem with the captain.what type of problem is it?there’s a problem with the echo sounder
  302. agent,power Tones of pineapples have been delivered to the ship
  303. Tim Flaherty and rob mullins are looking at something in the sea.what do they think it is? A dolphin
  304. Two colleagues are talking together during a work break, What will greg do first when he gets onshore? Work on his home Two crewman are talking about a recent accident at sea Where did the accident take place? Near France, just off he coast.
  305. Two crewmen are discussing a Port State Control inspector What does he look like? He’s very big, has white hair and wears glasses.
  306. Two crewmembers are talking about an injury. How did the man cut himself? He was shaving.
  307. Two employees are talking together in the deliveries and suppliers office. What is the problem with deliveries? The problem is the economy in china/ There is reduced production and cutbacks
  308. Two engineers are talking about a fire in the engine room, How many crew were injured in the fire? Two/three.
  309. Two engineers are talking during the watch changeover about the generator coolant. How did engineer fix the problem? Adde water.
  310. men are on the telephone talking about the cargo paperwork.when will the documentation be delivered to the ship? It has just been delivered
  311. Two motorists are talking on their mobiles. What happened to Pietro’s car? His car crashed on the 3rd ring road
  312. Two Officers are eating lunch together. What type of soup is it?Noodle soup
  313. Two officer are discussing a recent accident report about the ollision of two vessel.what was the main reason for the collision?poor communication between the vessel


    1. The Master is having a conversation with his Chief Officer about seafaring. According to the Master how can the standard of seafaring among young officers be improved?
      Answer: Transfer knowledge through a mentor.

    2. An onboard trainer is watching a lifeboat launch and talking with one of the Officers. How many seafarers are launching the lifeboat?
      Answer: 7

      A Captain is giving a talk at a conference. What is the main focus of the Captain's talk?
      Answer: To state that not enough is being done to reduce attacks.

      Two officers are talking together on board. What doees the First Officer recommend to the Second Officer?
      Answer: That he should get some medical advice.

    3. A vessel has just arrived in South Africa.The master and Chief Officer are talking.What was the main drug found on board are vessel from South America? (CANNABIS)

      A seafarer who is in port is asking directions to the ship's agent.Where is the ship's agent located? (NEAR THE PORT ENTRY GATES)

      The company's medical officer is talking to the crew about health problems.Which part of his body did the deckhand injure? (HIS ANKLE)

      An AB is asking the crewing assistant about a job.What ships has the AB worked on? (ON CONTAINERS AND BULK CARRIERS)

      Two officers are talking on the bridge about a recent environmental accident off the UK coast.What pollution incident occurred recently off the coast of Britain? (ILLEGAL TANK CLEANING)

    4. Проработайте все вопросы в учебном центре  Как известно, всех текстов Reading, а их 50, в доступе свободном нет, но более 2х ошибок, и весь тест считается не сданным. Просьба не полагаться только на десятку видео и 30% ответов в доступе. Обращайтесь к лучшим репетиторам 0978545413 и сдавайте тест в краткие сроки с хорошими результатами. Всем успехов в обучении)

    5. The bosun is talking to the cruise ship crew about a smell on board.
      What is causing the smell on board ?
      ( Crew are bring a fruit on board that smells bad )

    6. Two deck officers are talking after carrying out mooring operation .
      According to the report , what is the cause of most accsidents during mooring operations?
      ( Handling of ropes or wires )

    7. The Master and Chief Officer are discussing the cook. Whyis the Chief Officer worried about the cook ?
      (He's worried he's suffering from depression. )

    8. The Chief Engineer is talking to the 3rd Engineer about his personal hygiene. Why does the 3rd engineer smell ?
      (He doesn't wash his clothers enough )

    9. Two deck officers are discussing a bunker overflow that occurred recently on another vessel. What was the consequence of the bunker overflow ?
      ( The vessel was arrested )

    10. The 2nd and 3rd Officers are discussing an inspection of equipment on board ship. Why can't the 2nd Officer finish the breathing apparatus check ?
      (Because he has to show the inspector around the ship )

    11. A marine trainer is making a flight reservation. Which flight does he reserve ?
      ( The 700 Euros flight )

    12. The Captain of a ferry is announcing there will be a lifeboat drill.
      When do passengers have to find their lifejacket and make a note of their musterstation?
      -- RIGHT NOW!

    13. an AB is talking about an incident that happened in bad weather. What was the main problem? SOME PIPES BROKE LOOSE

    14. the master is talking to the chief officer about the new chief engineer. Whi is the master concerned about the new chief engineer? HE'S WORRIED ABOUT HIS HOUSEKEEPING

    15. A seafarer is talking about an accident that happened to the cargo officer at the port. Why didn't the cargo officer see the vehicle? BECAUSE HE WAS IN A HURRY

    16. The chief officer is talking to the master about leaving the company. What does the chief officer want for his own future? HE WANTS TO BE PROMOTED TO MASTER

    17. Hello,
      what means red color words ?


    19. Для максимально эффективной подготовки к сдаче Marlins теста, учебный центр Tramontana предлагает пройти курс "Marlins Full Study Pack", где собраны все известные на сегодняшний день задания Marlins по всем должностям. Курс "Marlins Full Study Pack" постоянно обновляется и пополняется новыми заданиями.

      На сегодняшний день курс включает:

      Listening: 30 диалогов на аудирование.
      Grammar: более 370 заданий на выбор правильной грамматической конструкции, включая изображения и составление предложений из слов.
      Vocabulary: более 300 заданий на знание лексики, включая изображения и распределение слов по смысловым ячейкам.
      Time and Numbers: 50 заданий на знание и употребление чисел.
      Pronunciation: 100 заданий на выбор верного произношения слов.
      Reading: 20 текстов.
      Ко всем заданиям есть правильные ответы!

      Приобретая единожды доступ к курсу, Вы всегда будет держать руку на пульсе и иметь доступ к самым новым материалам Marlins тестирования.

      Для регистрации на курс проходите по ссылке

    20. As reported by Stanford Medical, It's indeed the one and ONLY reason this country's women live 10 years longer and weigh 19 kilos less than we do.

      (And by the way, it is not related to genetics or some secret-exercise and absolutely EVERYTHING to related to "how" they eat.)

      P.S, What I said is "HOW", not "WHAT"...

      TAP this link to determine if this short quiz can help you find out your true weight loss potential

    21. In the engine control room, the Chief Engineer is asking about the status of a repair job. What condition is the clutch in now?

      A Chief Officer is talking to a rating about eye accidents. What is the second most common cause of eye injuries according to the Chief Officer?

      A seafarer is describing an accident at sea. What happened to the man who fell overboard?

      The cook and the messman are talking in the galley. Why is the messman walking with a limp?

      A seafarer is talking to his crew mate. Why does the seaman have to get permission to go ashore?

      A crew member is taking a cadet with him to check the EPIRB (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon) on board. What is the problem with the EPIRB?

    22. The Chief Officer is asking a new cadet some questions. What channel does the cadet think he should switch to in an emergency?
      - 5

      The 2nd Officer is complaining to the Master about the charts. What probably happened to the pens, pencils and eraser?
      - They are probably in the 3rd Officer's cabin.

    23. Thank you for this valuable assistance.
