Saturday, February 27, 2016


  1. How long have you been (ch/officer or Master)
  2. How long have you been working in off shore?
  3. What was your last vessel and what type?
  4. What is the size of the Towing wire and length?
  5. What is the out put capacity of the fire monitor (cubic meter per hour)?
  6. What is the bollard bull of the vessel?
  7. What is the horse power of the engines?
  8. What is the power of the bow thrusters?
  9. What is the pumping capacity of the ballast pump?
  10. What is the capacity of cargo (bulk) pump?
  11. hat is the meaning of fresh water allowance? change of draft (increase or decrease) due to change in water density, 
  12. what is the meaning of TPC?  Tons to be loaded (discharged) to change draft by 1 cm. or tons of cargo To be loaded to immerse the vessel by 1 cm.(Ton Per Centimeter immersion) 
  13. what is the meaning of permissible load on deck?  Means how many tons the ship deck can load on one square meter. You can get it From Cargo securing manual or vessel stability booklet. 
  14. Is it allowed to cross separation scheme, and how? Yes. To cross by right angle to the separation scheme. 
  15. If you are on a crossing situation with other vessel on your STBD side, which is the give way Vessel and which is the stand on vessel?  your vessel is the give way vessel (you should take action) 
  16. Reference to question 15- what is the first thing you will do in that situation? In any situation with other vessels, I have to check if risk of collision exists By watching the bearing and distance of the other vessel. If the bearing is steady And distance decreases then there is a risk of collision.
  17. If you are on head on situation with other vessel, what action you will take? I will alter my course to STBD side clearly away from the other vessel.
  18.  If you detected a vessel crossing on your port side, then which is the give way vessel And which is the stand on vessel?  the vessel on your port side is the give way vessel and he must take action To avoid collision. 
  19. Reference to question No.18- if the other vessel did not take any action then what You will do? I will take action to avoid collision , by altering course to STBD keep away From him, even if I have to make full turn to STBD. 
  20. What is the minimum under keel clearance allowed to pass over a pipe line? 5 meters. (Important) 
  21. If you are obligated to pass pipe line less than 5 meters, what you will do? I will call the port control and field service to get permission, and will Reduce my speed (slow speed) to avoid Squat. 
  22. What is the meaning of Squat? The increase of draft due to high speed in shallow waters.
  23. Do you know how to operate towing winch, and towing pins, shark jaws …etc.?   practical question you have to practice it and be familiarized with it. 
  24. Do you know how to operate fire monitor? Practical question, you have to practice it and be familiarized with it. 
  25. Do you know how to operate radar and take position by bearing and distance. Practical question, you have to practice and be familiar with it.
  26. Do you know how to calculate compass error? Practical question, you have to practice it.
  27. Do you know how to use VHF, to call the port control and drilling and Take permission to cast off or entering channels and oil field? practical question, practice the use of VHF.
  28. What are the names and location of Aramco oil fields? Abu Safa , Marjan, Safania, Zuluf, Karan, Arabia, Hasba , Lawaha ,Hamour Mahara, Rabib, Berri, Manifa (look at chart No, SUR 8724. to have an idea)
  29. Do you know how to use Aramco Tide table? practical question. You must practice to calculate under keel clearance, Using Aramco tide table (very easy and simple) but need to practice it several times especially at Safania south chart (Shallow water oil field) important.
  30. Are you Familiar with rules of the road Collision regulations?practical question, the rig mover will ask several questions in rules of th Road and collision regulations.
  31. Are you familiar with lights and signals, shapes and sound signals of the vessels? In different situations and jobs.
  32. Arc Of Visibility Navigation Light
  33. Do you know the arc of visibility for the navigation lights? Mast head light =225 degrees – side light =112.5 degrees each (port and stbd.) Stern light = 135 Degrees (pls. see attached drawing)
  34. What is the maximum Draft of your vessel, and what is minimum draft of your vessel?  check your vessel particulars. 
  35. How you know that you are the overtaking vessel? By night, I will be able to see the stern light, By day, my vessel will be on aprox. 22 degrees abaft the other vessel beam.
  36. What is the height of a pipe line over sea bed? Normally make allowance of one meter for height of pipe line over sea bed But for a (trenched) buried pipe line, it is two meters above sea bed. That means you have to minus 1 meter or 2 meters when you calculate the Clearance under keel.
  37. What is the SWL of the stern roller, and towing pins? check you vessel particulars. 
  38. What is the vessel capacity of Fuel oil, Fresh water, and Grey water? Check your vessel particulars.
  39. What is you job assignment in muster station (emergency station)? check your vessel Muster station posted in the bridge.
  40. Do you know how to put on and safely use the breathing apparatus? Practice to wear on the breathing apparatus. Important
  41. Do you know where the emergency alarm button is, and Engine emergency stop buttons? check and be familiarized with buttons in the bridge.
  42. What is SART? SART. Is Search and Rescue Radar Transponder, It works and appear on X band Radar only (3 cm) Radar. It appears as 12 Dots on the Radar screen. The closest dot to the Radar screen centre is the position of the SART. (Survival Craft) 
  43. How it works and appears on Radar. What is EPIRB?  EPIRB is a device which works to transmit a vessel code and position via satellite Cospas system to a land station which will direct and guide other vessels or Helicopters to the rescue scene. 


  45. A box weighing 48 tons and dimensions – length 4 m- width 3 m- height 5 m, Can you load it on deck if you know that permissible load is 4.5 tons?? 
  46. Answer: - length X width – 4x3=12 square meter.  Weight / area - 48/12= 4 ton. Answer YES. 
  47. What is the density of Fresh water? 1.000
  48. Question: - what is the density of sea water? 1.025 
  49. If the TPC = 12 Tons what is the change in draft if you load a 56 ton weight.? weight/TPC – 56/12= 4.5 cm. bodily sink. 
  50. What is the sound signal for a platform?  two short blasts followed by one long blast (. . _ ) U 
  51. What sound signals shall a vessel aground sound? Rapid ringing on the bell then one short blast, one long blast, one short blast ( . _ . )  Then another ringing on the bell – Also can sound (. . _ ) U 
  52. Explain how you connect the towing wire to the bridle wire of the Rig ?
    • Towing pins up
    • Pull the towing wire and lay it on deck with the socket Close to the karm fork (or shark jaw) using the tugger winch wire. And connect it with the Stretcher
    • Free the tugger wire and pass it between the towing pins. 
    • Get one long hook to collect the bridle wire of the rig and connect it to The tugger wire and start heaving up the Rig wire until it comes over The Karm fork.
    • Up the Karm fork with the Rig wire in the groove and lock it, then release tugger wire.
    • Connect the Stretcher socket to the Rig wire using 85 ton shackle and make sure that it is tight and locked by a split pin. Karm fork down, and start moving ahead slowly, slack the towing wire until you get the required length of tow. Then down the towing pins
  53. What action you will do if you sighted a vessel aground ahead of you? First thing is to stop engines, and keep in position, check your position on the chart, and turn the vessel to reciprocal course, get away from the area. 
  54. If you are steaming in fog and you heard the sound of . . _ ( u) What action you will take? Stop the Engines, check radar and GPS for your position on chart Turn the vessel on reciprocal course away from the sound.
  55. What is the allowed speed in Tanajib channel, and Harbor in normal clear day? in the channel 8 knots – and inside the harbor max. 5 knots. 
  56. In Safania (south) oil field, on March /15/2010, what time is the High water?Check the Aramco tide table on that date. 
  57. In Safania north oil field, on March 17/2010 at 1600 Hrs, is the current Flooding or ebbing? Check Aramco tide table on that date. 
  58. You are in Manifa anchorage (Tanajib Area) on May 17/2010, at 0700 Hrs, is the current Flooding or Ebbing? Check Aramco Tide table on that date. 
  59. Echo sounder is showing 12m depth under keel , your draft is 3.5 m .What is the depth over whole in feet ? Depth over whole = 12+3.5= 15.5m /// in feet = 15.5X 3.28 =50.84 feet. 
  60. Charted depth 3.7 m // draft 3.2m // height of tide 1.6m - What is the Under keel clearance? Is it allowed to pass a pipe line at this clearance? Charted depth 3.7m + height of tide 1.6m = 5.3m Total depth 5.3m – draft 3.2m = 2.1 m Allowing 1 m for pipe line height then clearance = 1.1m (not allowed to cross pipeline) 
  61. You are Along side Tanajib berth No, 4 and you need to calculate compass error What you will do? (Port side alongside) check on the chart Tanajib berth is 270 deg. Read the compass directly and see what it shows and compare it with the 270 Deg. ( high or low).
  62. where you get the compass deviation from. And where you get the variation From? We get Deviation from compass deviation Card and variation from the Chart. 
  63. In cloudy day What is the simple way to get compass error in oilfield. Look for Transit bearing of two Platforms . Compare the visual Transit bearing You took with the true transit bearing on Chart. 
  64. At a clear night you sighted a white light, what does it mean to you? It can be the stern light of a vessel. // or it can be a small fishing boat// or a small sailing boat. //or vessel at anchor less than 50m // or a masthead light less than 50m and far away that side lights can not be sighted yet. Or a life raft top white light. 
  65. On the positions marked on attached Safania Chart, find the clearance Under keel on April 20/2010 at 1700 hrs? Use Aramco tide table.


  1. Terimakasih artikelnya bang sangat membantu btw ada kisi2 aramco yg lainya ga bang?

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